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[业界] konami四大当家作品新作登陆ipod touch/iphone

发表于 2008-12-18 00:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发信人: wiillrocku (蓝皮鼠), 信区: TVGame
标  题: konami四大当家作品新作登陆ipod touch/iphone
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Dec 17 17:44:10 2008), 站内

\\ 分别是DDR,寂静岭,青蛙过河和老屁股的新作

Four Konami games coming to iPhone, including Metal Gear, Silent Hill
from Joystiq by Ludwig Kietzmann

Filed under: Action, Rhythm, Mobile

And Dance Dance Revolution, if you can believe it. Konami has announced the impending arrival of four downloadable iPhone games, with all but one scheduled to arrive "from late December." The genres covered are "Music," "Action," "3D Shooting" and the slightly provocative "Touch Shooting." As for the corresponding titles:

    * Dance Dance Revolution S Lite, "a music game where you tap the arrow icons that appear at the bottom of the screen in time with music."
    * Silent Hill: The Escape, "a first-person 3D shooting game that lets players utilize the control features only found on the iPhone and iPod touch ..."
    * Frogger, "a simple game" which probably doesn't require any further explanation.
    * Metal Gear Solid Touch, "an original game that brings to life the world and characters" of MGS4. Eight "touch shooting" levels will be available in the initial release, with more to follow.

MGST is currently slated for a Spring 2009 release. All the games are coming to North America, Japan and Europe, with the exception of Dance Dance Revolution, which is apparently too hip for the electronic rectangles in Europe.

※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 202.112.126.*]
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