Mission Nine:Angel Heights
Rescue AngelHeights
1. Disable the min-gun
2. Escort the medic to the injured
3. Protect the medic and police officer
4. Escort the medic and back
5. Take a fire man into the Block F to find the trapped civilian
6. Bring the civilian back to the medic
7. Locate and rescue the hostage cop
开始遇到美女救护员,需要你去干掉敌人的重机枪手,火力比较强,注意隐蔽!和他硬拼吧,反正可以回去找美女救护员补血!干掉所有的敌人后,跑去右边的通道内救出受伤的伤员,注意有新的盾牌敌人出现,干掉他近距离可以用雷鸣登短枪,远距离可以打他的脚!干掉几个练练吧!接着背伤员回去救护员那里,就是刚开始的地道内。还是去右边,这时候可以指挥恢复体力的消防人员开路了,一路劈门灭火向里进发,到了房内最高一层救出被困的无辜市民,还是带回到刚开始的地下室补给!回去地面,这时候可以从左边的地下车库进入了,一路杀到地下二层,找到BOSS救出人质警察,回到地面和救护员会合补给。然后去左边开门进入本节开始的敌人重机枪手处,这时候可以操纵它了,一通乱扫以后就出外面被围困的队友ANGEL HEIGHTS.结束本段!
Mission Ten: Mc Milian Stree
Find the weapon of mass destruction
1. Gain access to the sub station
2. Locate the hostage
3. Clear the exterior compound of enemies
4. Disarm the WMD
5. Save Wolf
Mission Eleven: Police Safe House
Destroy the remaining burners
1. Escape the safe house
2. Meet the police officers and enter the factory
3. Locate and rescue the hostage cop