There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me
If you want to know why
There's love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear od dread
We stop existing and start living
The it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better world ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
And the dream we were conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul
Though it's plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be god's glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
There are pepole dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
国外唱公益歌曲的歌手有很多,但像M.J.这样的,多年来一如既往的制作这种题材的歌手,而且是天王级角色的就很少了。国外搞公益和慈善事业的歌手也不少,但能像M.J.这样多年来一直坚持义举的就不多了。其实我喜欢他的原因,这一点也占了相当的比重。如果说在《Earth Song》里,M.J.对人类和未来表达了一种悲观和绝望,那么在这首《Heal The World》里则表达的是对未来世界的一种乐观和抱有深切希望的情绪。不过,《Earth Song》是在《Heal The World》之后创作的,在《Earth Song》之后,M.J.也少有制作公益题材的作品,这是否也揭示出他对世界和人类的未来已经彻底失去希望了呢?虽然真相不得而知,但之后发生的事情我想将确实改变他对某些人和某些事情的看法,进而影响到他对整个世界的人类的看法。说远了,话题拉回国内。在我们国家,通过各种新闻渠道,鲜有听说有歌手在做赈灾捐助的举动,更不要说搞慈善和公益事业了,而我们的所谓公益歌曲,不外乎《爱的奉献》,《让世界充满爱》等那么几首,且这些也都是上个世纪80年代甚至是更早的创作,至于反战题材?恕我孤陋寡闻,到目前为止,我是没有听说过的,也许中国老百姓都是热爱和平的吧,关于战争,认为那都是外国的,是过去的事情了,离我们那么遥远,写那些干嘛?其实想想也正常,我们的媒体都去爆炒“超女”和“芙蓉姐姐”了,还有谁会去创作什么公益或反战的歌曲?比照我们,对比国外,再对比一下M.J.,我们只能无语,然后汗颜。