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[业界] 嘿,怎么解决小薇酱目前的困境呢?来看看国外的评论吧,两个字:降价

发表于 2012-2-9 11:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When the Playstation Vita was first announced at $249, there was a collective sigh of relief. Once feared to be an over-priced, high-powered typical Sony device, the Playstation Vita was launching at a price that would directly compete with the Nintendo 3DS. With near-current generation console graphics, dual thumb-sticks, touch controls, and an operating system that featured many similarities to that of a smartphone, how could this system not beat out its smaller competitor? Things were looking great for Sony.

But something happened. Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS and dropped the stomachs of Sony fans around the world. Now costing double that of the Nintendo 3DS, Sony had on their hands an over-priced, high-powered typical Sony device.

Now with a little over a week until the Playstation Vita’s launch in North America, Sony is not in a good position. There has been a complete lack of marketing for their latest handheld and at Sony’s throat over the incredibly overpriced proprietary memory for the system. Sony has reacted by announcing a new bundle launch-day bundle for the Wi-Fi and 3G versions of the system, which features the system along with an 8GB memory stick, a voucher for a Playstation Network game, and a month of free AT&T 3G data. Definitely an encouragement to pick up a Vita at launch, but no the price drop that fans were expecting.

Today, an interesting story broke that may signify once and for all that the price of the Playstation Vita needs to be lowered. A quick look at Amazon.com shows that the Playstation Vita is their number 1 ‘Most Wished For’ product. This could simply mean that people are passive about the system due to a simple lack of interest. What’s more likely is that people simply can’t afford to dish out $249 on a brand new handheld that – if the downward trend continues — may die off rather quickly.

The main reason I believe this may have something to do with the high price of the system and its memory is that when people don’t care for a system, they usually will just ignore it and search for other things. By adding it to their ‘Most Wished For’ list and making it the number 1 in the U.S., it proves that people do have an interest in the system, there is just something holding them back from taking the plunge.

A few weeks ago it was revealed that it costs around $160 to manufacture a Playstation Vita. If Sony were to lower the price of the actual unit, they would likely be forced to take a huge cut on each unit sold. $160 does not leave much room to cut the price while making a profit. It would be more logical for Sony to lower the price of the system’s proprietary memory. The memory, which is aimed to curve piracy by being proprietary, and its price have long been a controversial topic among games. By lowering the price of the memory, Sony could continue to make a nice profit off of each unit sold while also encouraging more people to pick up the system.

Whether they lower the price of the handheld or the price of the memory, one thing is clear: Sony is doing themselves a disservice by making the Playstation Vita a pricey system. With the news that the handheld is the ‘Most Wished For’ item on Amazon, this point is even clearer. People are sending a message to Sony and they can either listen and learn, or ignore it and face the consequences.





今天,一个有趣的事情发生了,这些事情可能意味着PSvita真的需要降低价格了。在亚马逊的快速查看一下你会发现,PSvita是排名第一的“最希望获得”的产品。这可能不仅仅意味着人们对这个系统消极是对它没有兴趣,而更有可能的是,人们根本买不起一个全新的249美元掌上设备——如果下降的趋势继续下去 ——可能会快速死精光。



发表于 2012-2-9 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
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