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[业界] 全球软件销量分析:与去年同期相比均有下降,vita软件增长有亮点~

发表于 2012-2-6 11:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sales have stabilized for the moment, as the big drop offs after the holiday period appeared to have stopped. Three games debuted in the top 40 this week. Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) is this week’s top debut, with sales of 235,000.

Software milestones this week in the top 40: Mario Kart 7 (3DS) passed the five million mark; and Saints Row: The Third (X360) passed the two million mark.

Hardware sales are up for the PlayStation 3, Wii, 3DS and Vita week on week, while year on year sales are down for every platform. The 3DS is the top selling platform.

Worldwide Hardware

Week on week sales are up for the PlayStation 3, Wii, 3DS and Vita, and are down for the Xbox 360, DS and PSP. The 3DS is at the top with sales of 277,000, an increase of 31,000 (13%).  The PlayStation 3 is up 12,000 (6%) to 205,000 units sold. Xbox 360 sales are down 4,000 (-2%) to 168,000 sold. The Wii sold 119,000 units, which is up 3,000 (3%). The PSP sold 64,000 units, which is down 12,000 (-16%). The DS is down 2,000 (-3%) to 65,000 units. The Vita sold 22,000, which is up 6,000 (38%). Total week on week sales are up 34,000 (4%) to 918,000.

Year on year sales are down across the board. The PlayStation 3 is down 31,000 (-13%), the Wii is down 70,000 (-37%), and the Xbox 360 is down 46,000 (-21%). The PSP is down 65,000 (-50%) and the DS is down a massive 138,000 (-69%). However with the DS and 3DS combined it is up 139,000 compared to the DS one year ago. Total year on year sales are down 51,000 (-5%).

Xbox 360 hardware sales have dropped for a fifth straight week, while the PlayStation 3 and Wii are up slightly. Home console hardware sales have been relatively stable for the last three weeks. The PlayStation 3 has a 42 percent market share; the Xbox 360 has a 34 percent market share; and the Wii has a 24 percent market share. The PlayStation 3 is in first for a fifth week, while the Xbox 360 is in second for a third week. Compared with ten weeks ago all three home consoles are down.

The gap between the 3DS and PSP / DS has grown ever so slightly this week. It has outsold the DS by more 4 to 1 and the PSP by more than 4 to 1. The PSP and DS are in a statistical tie this week. The PSP has a 50 percent market share this week for the current generation handhelds and the DS has a 50 percent. The Vita has just a seven percent market share for the next generation of handhelds, while the 3DS holds the other 93 percent. Compared with ten weeks ago all three platforms (excluding the Vita) are down.

Worldwide Software

Three games debuted in the top 40 this week. Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) debuted at the top with sales of 235,000. The game launched in Japan and Europe, and will release in North America on February 6.

Armored Core V (PS3) debuted at number two with sales of 165,000. The game launched in Japan, with no release date in the rest of the world.

Tales of Innocence R (PSV) debuted at number 14 with sales of 55,000. The game launched in Japan, with no release date in the rest of the world.

Other games in the top 10 that are not debuts include Just Dance 3 (Wii) at number three with sales of 135,000. Mario Kart 7 (3DS) is at number four sales of 117,000. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (X360) is at number five with sales of 104,000.

Zumba Fitness (Wii) is at number six with sales of 104,000. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3) is at number seven with sales of 101,000. Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) is at number eight with sales of 97,000. Kinect Adventures! (X360) is at number nine with sales of 92,000. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (X360) rounds out the top 10 with sales of 73,000.

Week on week software totals are down across the board. The PlayStation 3 takes the top spot this week with 2.21 million games sold, an increase of 180,000 (9%). The Xbox 360 sold 2.15 million games, a decrease of 38,000 (-2%). Wii software sales are up 30,000 (2%) to 1.97 million. The DS sold 934,000 games, which is up 39,000 (4%). The 3DS sold 790,000 games, an increase of 158,000 (25%). PSP game sales are down 8,000 (-2%) to 358,000 games sold. The Vita sold 73,000 games, an increase of 53,000 (265%). Total combined software is up 414,000 (5%) week on week to 8.48 million.

Year on year software totals are down across the board. The PlayStation 3 is down 183,000 (-8%), the Wii is down 692,000 (-26%) and the Xbox 360 is down 115,000 (-5%). The DS is down 518,000 (-36%) and the PSP is down 531,000 (-60%). Total combined software is down 1.18 million (-12%) games sold year on year.

The PlayStation 3 takes the top spot in software sales for the first time since the week ending November 5. The Xbox 360 has lead for six of the last 10 weeks, Wii for three weeks and the PlayStation 3 for one week. The PlayStation 3 has a 35 percent market share, the Xbox 360 with 34 percent, and the Wii with 31 percent. Compared to ten weeks all three home consoles are down.

All four handhelds remain in the same positions for total software. The DS is in first, 3DS in second, PSP in third and the Vita in last. The DS has a 72 percent market share for the current generation handhelds and the PSP has a 28 percent market share. The 3DS has a 92 percent market share for the next generation handhelds, while the Vita has just an eight percent market share. Compared with ten weeks ago all three platforms (excluding the Vita) are down.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-6 11:07 | 显示全部楼层


硬件销售方面,PlayStation 3,Wii,3DS和Vita比上一周的销量有所上涨,而今年比去年同期的销量都有所下滑。3DS是本周最为畅销的平台。


PlayStation 3,Wii,3DS和Vita比上一周的销量有所上涨,而X360X,NDS和PSP均有所下滑。3DS以27.7万销量封顶,增加了31,000台(13%)。PlayStation 3是增加了12,000(6%),以20.5万台的销量位居第二为。Xbox 360的销量则下降4,000台(-2%),并以16.8万台销量位居第三。Wii的销量11.9万台,下降了3,000台(3%)。PSP售出6.4万台,下降了12,000(-16%)。DS是跌2,000(-3%),共售出6.5万台。vita卖2.2万台,上涨了6,000台(38%)。本周的总周销量增加了34000(4%),达到了91.8万台。

今年销量同比去年都有所下降。PlayStation 3是下降了31000(-13%),Wii的下降了70,000(-37%),而Xbox 360下降了46,000(-21%)。PSP下降了65,000(-50%),而DS是则恐怖的下降了138000(-69%)。然而,随着DS和3DS结合,这与一年前的DS相比反而增加了139000台。今年全年销量同比下降了51,000(-5%)。

Xbox 360硬件销售已连续第五周下降,而PlayStation 3和Wii都略有上升。在过去的三个星期内,家用游戏机硬件销售一直比较稳定。PlayStation 3拥有42%的市场份额; Xbox 360拥有34%的市场份额;而Wii则占有24%的市场份额。与10周前相比,所有三种游戏机的销量都有所下降。






在排名前10位的其他都不属于新游戏,包括第三位的JUST DUNCE 3(Wii),售出135,000 ,马里奥赛车7(3DS)本周第四,售出117,000。使命 召唤:现代 战争3(X360)销售出104,000,排名第5。

尊巴健身(WII)位居第六,售出了104000台,使命 召唤:现代 战争3(PS3)售出101000,位居第七。超级马里奥3D大陆(3DS)排名第八,售出了97000。而Kinect冒险(X360)则获得了第九位,售出了92,000台。上古卷轴五:天际(X360)排名第10位,销售额为73,000。

本周软件数相比上一周并不是全线下挫。PlayStation 3位居本周售出软件的头把交椅,本周共售出了221万游戏,增加了18万(9%)。Xbox 360的游戏卖出了215万,减少3.8万(-2%)。Wii的软件销量增加了30,000(2%)至197万。DS售出93.4万游戏,这是上涨了39,000(4%)。3DS卖出79万的游戏,增加15.8万(25%)。PSP游戏的销量则下降8,000(-2%),共有35.8的游戏售出。vita售出了73000张游戏,增加53,000(265%)。总软件数比上一周增加了414000(5%)达到了848万份。

今年的软件相比于上一年全线下跌。PlayStation 3下跌了183000份(-8%),Wii则下降了692,000(-26%),Xbox 360下跌了115,000(-5%)。DS是下跌了518,000(-36%),而PSP则有531,000的下降(-60%)。结合起来看,软件销量下降了118万(-12%)。

PlayStation 3,从11月5日的一周以来首次位于软件销售的头把交椅。在过去的十个星期中,360共获得了六次,Wii则获得了三次,而PlayStation 3只获得了一次。PlayStation 3占有35%的软件市场份额,Xbox 360拥有34%,而Wii则获得了31%。与十个星期相比,所有三个游戏机也均有下降。

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