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[业界] Crytek CEO Avni Yerli : Crytek UK 在E3将有重大项目宣布!《时空分裂者》新作?

发表于 2011-3-16 10:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Crytek CEO Avni Yerli has said that its UK arm is aiming to announce its new project at E3 this summer.

Speaking to Develop, Yerli said it had “ambitious plans” for the TimeSplitter developer that was once known as Free Radical.

“I think at E3 this year – or just after – we are going to make a big announcement that I think people will be happy about,” he said.

“They were very pleased with their contribution to Cry** 2 [Note: Crytek UK made the multiplayer component - JC], and we have very ambitious plans for Crytek UK. The studio is now up to 85 people, with nice new offices. The main thing is that the team are having a lot of fun – that’s the most important thing to us.”

Yerli added the “UK scene” would be “very pleased” with what Crytek UK was working on.

Crytek UK has said in the past it’ll start work on either a new IP or TimeSplitters 4, a project the studio worked on previously as Free Radical.

Fellow Yerli, Cervat, had said in the past that Crytek and Crytek UK were discussing TS4′s development.

E3 takes place on the week of June 6 in Los Angeles.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-16 10:15 | 显示全部楼层

Crytek CEO Avni Yerli 说 旗下Crytek UK工作室将会在今年E3宣布新的项目

在与Develop对话中 Yerli 说到 对《时空分裂者》的开发商 也就是曾名为 Free Radical 的团队 有一个“雄心勃勃的计划”!

[关于Free Radical  :《时空分裂者4》的开发者 Free Radical  由于经济困境 先已被Crytek英国工作室收购 Crytek英国工作室正是《孤岛危机2》多人游戏部分的协助开发部门  Free Radical 在《时空分裂者4》的开发上 一向致力于FPS多人游戏的创新]

“我想在今年E3 或之后不久 我们将正式宣布这一项目 我想玩家们应该会感到高兴的!”

“他们很满意对《孤岛危机2》所做的贡献[指多人部分的开发]  而且我们有更大的计划来让他们来实施 现在工作室的员工人数已到达85人 并且拥有新的开发环境 但对我们来说最重要的是团队合作很愉快!”

Yerli 还说“UK Scene”对Crytek UK正在努力做的事情“非常满意”

Crytek UK以前说过 它工作的方向不是新项目就是工作室Free Radical先前努力完成的项目《时空分裂者4》

与Yerli一样 Cervat  以前也说过 Crytek和Crytek UK在讨论时空分裂者4的进展


发表于 2011-3-16 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
还好有翻译 不然可就费脑子了
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