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[业界] XO體感手柄正式發佈

发表于 2009-3-29 20:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
XO 終於有了自己的體感手柄。也許很多人認為這是微軟的產品,但實際上卻是一家叫PDP的公司制做的。新控制器的名字叫做「Gametrak Freedom」,它是一個利用了微軟專利的無線接口以體感為主的控制設備。Gametrak通過使用超聲波變頻器結合一個3向運動加速計來感應控制器的運動。手柄正面是四個動作鍵和一個十字鍵,一個扳機鍵被放置在了手柄的底部。

和Wii只用一個感應器不同,Gametrak使用兩個感應器,分置在電視機倆側。一台Xbox 360最多同時支持4個Gametrak手柄。PDP聲明說,多出的感應器和手柄自帶的體感功能可以準確的感應在2毫米範圍內的運動。PDP同時還表示,因為Gametrak可以感應x,y,z三個方向的運動,它的功能比較Wiimote,和PS3的六軸來要更加強大。

PDP同時還推出一款叫做Squeeballs(橡皮球)的遊戲,這給了我們(Gamespot記者)機會試了一下這個手柄。Squeeballs是一個和「瓦利奧製造」差不多的一個家庭聚會遊戲。手柄對動作的感應非常準確。將移動、轉動等動作結合也不會覺得彆扭。PDP說遊戲會和手柄捆綁出售,售價約為 70至75美金。



PDP unveils the motion sensing Gametrak Freedom controller for the Xbox 360

Motion-based control is coming to the Xbox 360. We initially thought Microsoft would be the first to the table but PDP beat them to the punch. The Gametrak Freedom from PDP will offer wireless motion-based controls using Microsoft's proprietary wireless protocol. The Gametrak uses a 3D ultrasonic transducer and a three axis accelerometer to detect motion. You'll also find a trigger on the under side, as well as the 360's familiar four button configuration and a D-pad.

Unlike Nintendo's solution, which uses one point of detection, the Gametrak uses two sensor bars that sit on opposite sides of the TV. Up to four wireless Gametrak's will work with the sensors. PDP claims that the added sensor in conjunction with the Gametrak's motion sensing technologies give the Gametrak accuracy to within 2mm of movement. Additionally the company states that Because the Gametrak detects motion in the x, y, and z planes it's capable of considerably more than the Wii Remote or the PS3's Sixaxis.

We got to briefly try out the Gametrak Freedom with Squeeballs, a game that PDP will bundle with the controller. Squeeballs is basically a variety/party game like Warioware, with elements of Cooking Mama thrown in for good measure. The controller certainly felt accurate, and we didn't find it overly sensitive. Moving laterally while rotating the controller to twist onscreen objects actually worked without a super jittery feel. PDP says we should expect the controller out in the fall bundled with Squeeballs for about $70 to $75.
发表于 2009-3-29 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
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