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[业界] Halo Wars [Xbox 360]

发表于 2009-2-21 23:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发信人: lowy (礼义廉耻忍耐克己百折不屈), 信区: TVGame
标  题: Halo Wars [Xbox 360]
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Feb 21 12:12:01 2009), 站内

#  GameSpot Score       6.5     fair
#  Critic Score         8.0     4 reviews

Halo Wars is a fun strategy outing for fans of the universe, but it feels
simplistic and short alongside other games in the genre.

The Good
    * Superb selection of UNSC and Covenant forces  
    * Easy to play once you grasp the controls  
    * Engaging storyline and cutscenes  
    * Good mission variety through campaign mode.

The Bad
    * Covenant not playable in campaign mode, Flood not playable at all  
    * Small unit counts and map limit the scale of battles  
    * Very few multiplayer options.


※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 123.115.195.*]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-21 23:36 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: deathscythe (☆光之小π☆), 信区: TVGame
标  题: Re: Halo Wars [Xbox 360]
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Feb 21 13:07:09 2009), 站内


Newsarama: 10/10 (100%)

"This is quite simply a fantastic game. It was the most fun I’ve had playing an RTS since Age of Mythology, and some of the most fun I’ve had playing any game, ever. Not once while playing this game did I ever think, "That could have been done better" or "I wish you could ____." There is downloadable content promised, coming from a new development studio that emerged from the ashes of Ensemble, so some of the same team plans to continue working on this game for some time to come. This is the game that will get people into RTSes, similar to how Halo 1-3 opened so many up to FPSes, and to me is the best exclusive yet on the Xbox 360."

MultiplayerReport: 9.5/10 (95%)

"Halo Wars is the first great game of 2009. It's just an incredibly tight package. There isn't really a weak spot in the game. For what the Halo franchise has meant for the FPS genre I do believe Halo Wars will mean for RTS. It's a departure from how you've played games like this on your PC, but Ensemble made it the way it needed to be made. They took a lot of chances but those chances are paying off. Halo Wars will be a monster title for the Xbox 360. There's no doubt about it. Will people cry about it? They sure will, but massive sales and the weekly Xbox Live activity stats will prove that this game is a smash hit. Get it."

Vandal Online: 9.5/10 (95%)

"Halo Wars is possibly the best real-time strategy game ever made for console. It captures all the essence of the genre and, for the first time, translates it to our gamepad with absolute success. It's not like the dominating sort of strategy game in PCs, but it has its own, well defined personality, and its specific features, which define Halo Wars as a solid and outstanding bet."

Official Xbox Magazine: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Though it's not a first-person shooter, Halo Wars packs all the Halo fixings you've come to expect: an engaging campaign, co-op play, engrossing multiplayer, efficient party-friendly matchmaking, hidden skulls, Legendary difficulty, and impeccable controls. We can confidently say that it's the foremost example of a real-time strategy game done right on a console."

Game Informer: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Halo Wars isn't perfect, but it's a huge step in the right direction for console RTS. For the first time in the sub-genre, I felt like I was playing a game instead of wrestling with a kludged-together control scheme."

Team Xbox: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Gamers have been waiting a long time for a real time strategy on a console to get it truly right. I can say with some confidence, that Halo Wars is that game. The controls have always been the issue and in Halo Wars they are perfect. Navigating the map, building buildings and units, commanding your troops in the field; it’s all so easy, and yet allows you to do almost anything you need to do, that you’ll often be surprised that your hands are touching a gamepad and not a mouse and keyboard. The game is designed to make it easy for RTS newbs, yet it doesn’t back off from its core ideal: to be an awesome RTS, plain and simple."

IGN AU: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Halo Wars takes a lot of cues from successful RTSs out there and adds its own unique flavour to the gameplay and pace. In the process, it removes a lot of the clutter and gets it very right for the Xbox 360's audience. There's a real sense of cohesive design and polish at play here, something that we feel is missing from ports of PC titles. This is truly a console RTS, rather than a rethink on an existing title and that shines through in the intelligent interface, the interesting campaign and the multiplayer and co-op friendly gameplay"

GameFlak: 9.0/10 (90%)

"The best way to explain Halo Wars is to think of playing Halo 3 as an RTS, all the things you can do in Halo 3 you can pretty much do in Halo Wars, even Spartans can Jack enemy units in the game. The units in the game handle just like they would in Halo 3."

Totally 360: 9/10 (90%)

"I believe that Ensemble has done a tremendous job with this title and that those same people who enjoyed the Halo shooters will also enjoy this title. If you have never played a real time strategy game before this would also be a good game to play to introduce yourself to the genre."

SpongyChicken: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Overall Halo Wars is a fantastic use of the Halo license. It expands the universe with a brilliant effort at getting RTS games to work on consoles. Whilst it may lack the depth of similar titles on the PC it makes up for it with accessibililty and brilliant production values. If you are a Halo fan this should already be a must purchase, whilst the change of genre may be enough to entice new fans to the series."

Addict Gaming: 9.0/10 (90%)

"To round this review of Halo Wars up, the game has impressed me in more ways than it disappointed me, however I’m still left with the feeling that Ensemble could have done much more with the game before letting it go. I quite honestly believe with another years worth of development, it could have been strategic perfection."

OXCGN: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Halo Wars is a worthy addition to the Halo franchise, and on its own stands out as the current pinnacle of RTS’s on consoles."

Gamespy: 4.5/5 (90%)

"If there's a better swan song for a game studio than creating an important console title in the Halo universe, I'm at a loss to think of it."

GameZone: 9.0/10 (90%)

"A solid RTS on the Xbox 360, Halo Wars may not break the mold, but it does provide an impressive entry to the series and one that finally makes the genre feel at home on a console."

Game Reactor Danmark: 9/10 (90%)

"Ultimately, I can not help but love Halo Wars for what it is and what it may end up making the strategy genre on consoles.
Even behind Halo mask is a game design gem that deserves huge praise for its minimal innovations and rock-solid gameplay, and although it is impossible to predict the future, then at least sounds a loud hope on my part, that Halo Wars appreciate the new de facto standard for strategy games on consoles "

Game Reactor Sweden: 9/10 (90%)

"It is great in multiplayer and to console you can probably not find a better RTS game. That it then moves into an established, and now mythological expanded universe is a nice bonus for fans, and something new to discover for the uninitiated."

Game Reactor Norway: 9/10 (90%)

"Halo Wars has revived a genre that for me personally has been quite a while no longer of interest. This is a killer great action-strategy game, but it is not something for everyone. It is not Halo 4 By no means"

Game Reactor Iceland: 9/10 (90%)

"No comment available"

Kombo: 9.0/10 (90%)

"Like many of you, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from Halo Wars. The concerns, doubts, and questions circled my gamer brain as it did yours. And while it's not the first-person-shooter experience that Bungie has delivered all these years, it is a damn good RTS game. And who better to deliver the new experience than Ensemble Studios. Nearly everything about Halo Wars is well polished"

3DJuegos: 8.7/10 (87%)

"Ensemble Studios achieves which is, probably, the best strategy game in consoles. The fact that Halo Wars had a Xbox 360 only development makes the usual RTS standards shine with a pad for the first time. An interesting campaign with the always exciting cooperative guarantees a long life for this game, but the reception of the skirmishes is the real fact to determinate if Halo Wars will be ranked in the tops of the most played games in Xbox Live."

Gamer 2.0: 8.7/10 (87%)

"Overall, what you have a very well done effort by Ensemble Studios. They have taken a franchise that must be handled carefully, if only because of the fans, and successfully blended it with a completely different type of game."

Planet Xbox 360: 8.7/10 (87%)

"It’s the best RTS on the Xbox 360. Though this isn’t stating much, any forthcoming RTS will undoubtedly have to compare to Halo Wars in the future. Ensemble Studios did their job in creating an accessible RTS that newcomers won’t have too much trouble playing thirty minute sessions."

Xbox360Achievements: 87/100 (87%)

"Ensemble Studios with Halo Wars have managed to do what others before them have tried and failed with regards to the console RTS genre, and that’s create a system that doesn’t feel out of place with a controller."

Gamer 2.0: 8.7/10 (87%)

"Overall, what you have a very well done effort by Ensemble Studios. They have taken a franchise that must be handled carefully, if only because of the fans, and successfully blended it with a completely different type of game. Just as a console RTS alone, the game succeeds. But having it make sense in the Halo universe makes the game work that much better. Things could have easily gone sour, but Ensemble has gone on their way on a very good note."

Cheat Code Central: 4.3/5 (86%)

"Halo Wars is an interesting experiment that is a complete success. I think Microsoft and Ensemble proved that this type of game can be successful on consoles. However, I do not believe it is perfect, because I still would prefer to play it on a PC. Also, the campaign is too easy and lacking strategy, there are not enough maps for six players, and I think the developer should have made resource gathering more challenging."

TheGameReviews: 8.5/10 (85%)

"Essentially, Halo Wars plays just like it looks: flashy and exciting. It’s what you would expect from Halo. If you’re looking for some more “real” feeling, then maybe it’s not for you."

IGN US: 8.4/10 (84%)

"Ensemble has nailed console RTS controls, but at the expense of some depth. The campaign missions often seem overly scripted and the experience doesn’t have the wide-open feel of some other RTSs. But the Halo feel is most definitely present, and serves as one of the game’s biggest strengths. The cinematic cutscenes are gorgeous, if the narrative is somewhat thin in places. Overall, Halo Wars is a fresh and expertly polished approach to the console strategy genre, and it’s a fitting goodbye from a beloved studio."

GamePro (Germany): 83/100 (83%)

"Comment coming soon"

IT Avisen: 5/6 (83%)

". The company has taken its biggest spillserie, and given the most respected strategy studio in his stall (now defunct Ensemble Studios) the task of designing a "prequel" to the Halo trilogy. This was not a project that could damage it. Too much was at stake. And actually, they have succeeded. Halo Wars was a solid piece of strategy. We thought we would never say it, but the genre can work on the console. "

HDR: 8.3/10 (83%)

"Halo is a universal language amongst gamers whether you thrive on deep RTS experiences or prefer to use two buttons max and hit the ground with guns-a-blazing. Microsoft piggybacking Halo's familiarity to bring simplified RTS gaming to a console crowd is as safe a bet as any."

IGN UK: 8.2/10 (82%)

"Halo Wars isn’t rocket science, and it isn’t perfect either, but it’ll satisfy Halo fanatics to the exact same degree as anyone hankering for a decent console game where you tell a large piece of rolling ordinance which direction it should be rolling in. And that, when you think about it, is quite an achievement in itself."

IncGamers: 8.2/10 (82%)

"What we have to remember is that this is an RTS game that works on the console and does justice to a beloved franchise.  This game IS Halo and Ensemble have delivered where it counts.  Now that the RTS format has been cracked, I have a sneaky suspicion that this game will be just as successful online as Halo 3 was.  It will keep you hooked, it will demand and expect you to know your units and it will allow you to engage in some epic battles."

StrategyInformer: 8.2/10 (82%)

"Even non-RTS players and non-Halo fans will be hard pushed to find something they dislike in Halo Wars. The interface is slick, the production values are high and the level of polish renders this a true Halo experience, right down to the menu screens and evocative soundtrack."

PlayTM: 81/100 (81%)

"Although Halo Wars is certainly not the first attempt to streamline the RTS genre for console play, what Ensemble have achieved is nothing short of astonishing. It may not prove to be the finest example in presenting lasting appeal – single-player certainly doesn’t last all that long – but ultimately, Halo Wars stands out as an RTS experience that works incredibly well while ticking all of the right boxes for the fans."

EuroGamer: 8/10 (80%)

"As a return to one of the 360's most popular universe, it's about as good an RTS as a Halo fan could expect. And as a game, Halo Wars is a genuine pleasure."

Guardian: 8/10 (80%)

"All in all, Halo Wars is one of the better RTS’s available for the Xbox 360. The controls are sharp, the story well written and the gameplay simple and fun. Although it is lacking in certain areas, such as length of single player and the lack of a Covenant campaign, the game more than makes up for it with a high pace and easy-to-handle gameplay style. "

SiliconRepublic: 4/5 (80%)

"Overall, I think Ensemble has finally succeeded in bringing an RTS game to the console, and if Halo Wars is anything to go by, has unleashed an exciting new phase for console gaming."

GamePro: 4/5 (80%)

"The good news is that Halow Wars masterfully transports the series' best elements to an entirely different genre, and its unparalleled accessibility makes for an excellent introduction to real-time strategy. The bad news is that its self-imposed limitations take a meaty chunk out of its longevity."

Famitsu: 32/40 (80%)

"No comment available"

Meristation: 8/10 (80%)

"Halo Wars improves real-time strategy games allowing players to enjoy a robust gameplay with a solid graphic engine on Xbox 360. Gameplay-wise, Halo Wars could not be considered as sophisticated as PC RTS games, but that's the sacrifice Ensemble Studios has made to adapt the game for the pad. This title offers some interesting multiplayer options, a 15 mission based campaign and a set of amazing cinematics. Halo Wars is interesting experience on Xbox 360 ."

VideoGamer: 8/10 (80%)

"Overall, Ensemble's greatest success is that it's managed to conjure up a console RTS that is fun and doesn't suffer from its controls. By virtue of the control system it's the best console RTS available. There are problems of course - the campaign is a bit of a slog, the multiplayer lacks variety and PC RTS players will no doubt dismiss the game, saying it would have been better on the PC (there's a degree of truth to that) - but those issues don't prevent Halo Wars from being as good as RTS games get on console. It's the perfect opportunity for 360 owners who have never played an RTS before to see what all that geeky micro-management stuff is all about."

D+PAD: 4/5 (80%)

"Microsoft must have its own reasons for the closure of the world’s favourite RTS studio but, based on the evidence provided by Halo Wars, Ensemble’s sudden departure seems entirely unwarranted. Not only has the studio delivered a title that lives up to its predecessor’s colossal standards, but it’s achieved a new milestone for the console RTS, paving the way for the future of the genre on a platform previously thought lost."

PowerGamer: 4/5 (80%)

"No comment - Can't speak Swedish :( "

GamesAreEvil: 4/5 (80%)

"Halo Wars is primarily a strategy game for the Halo fan; it has a pick-up-and-play quality that you rarely see from the genre.  The control system is best of any console RTS title, and credit is due to the developers for altering what needed to be altered without completely spitting in the face of the traditional set-ups."

That Gaming Site: 8.0/10 (80%)

"Halo Wars does a stand up job for what is a very daring transition in gameplay. Despite some minor flaws, there is no real reason anyone should not give Halo Wars ago."

Thunderbolt: 8/10 (80%)

"Despite the lumbering campaign mode, Halo Wars is a brilliant addition to the series and, more importantly, to the RTS genre."

Wired: 8/10 (80%)

"While Halo Wars won't be relieving strategy fans of their mice and keyboards, Ensemble Studios has crafted a genuinely fun experience. There are drawbacks, but those new to the genre likely won't even notice them, and Halo fans won't care. Most importantly, console fans finally have a genuinely good real-time strategy experience on their gaming platform of choice."

GameDaily: 8/10 (80%)

"A lack of a quick save option makes restarting entire missions a pain and tanks that stupidly wander into enemy fire require constant micromanagement, but Halo Wars' engaging narrative, likeable characters and addictive play make it a welcome addition to the series."

About: 4/5 (80%)

"In the end, Halo Wars is a highly polished, well put together real-time-strategy game that represents the brand well and is another great exclusive for the Xbox 360. It stumbles a bit, however, in that in an effort to be user friendly and accessible it will come off a bit shallow and mindless for longtime RTS fans."

CVG: 7.9/10 (79%)

"As an RTS we can't help but feel that Microsoft's played it safe with its biggest franchise, not wanting to scare off any potential newcomers or fans with a detailed and complex RTS that commands hours of thought and dedication. But if any game can be forgiven for going down the proof of concept route before throwing out the rulebook and trying something spectacularly different, this is certainly one of them."

NowGamer: 7.8/10 (78%)

"Ensemble has sculpted the first truly playable RTS for the Xbox 360, at the same time as masterfully juggling the all-important Halo ball. Its immediate successes and wider effect on the future of the console RTS cannot be denied and, while we would like to have seen a dedicated Covenant campaign and a few more missions, Halo Wars remains an essential purchase for RTS and Halo fans alike."

SpazioGames: 7.7/10 (77%)

"Halo Wars brings the Halo atmosphere in the RTS world, thanks to great sounds, graphics, animations and charisma as well. The game completes the Halo FPS trilogy, unveiling unknown important storyline steps, but the lack of a deeper control layout and innovative ideas results in a superficial management of the troops , which will become frustrating in a lot of gameplay situations. The presence of only 15 campaign missions with only 2 factions Skirmish doesn’t help it to become a "Heroic" product. Probably its still the best "classic-style" RTS for a console, if you don’t consider "EndWar" (which has a different gameplay concept), but it could be a better game."

Gamers Daily News: 7.5/10 (75%)

"Overall Halo Wars isn’t a terrible game. It’s just not a fantastic game. It’s a lackluster RTS set in the Halo universe and interspersed with some excellent cut scenes and interesting story. Too bad they didn’t take more time to explain the story and perfect the controls and camera."

1UP: B (75%)

"Halo Wars is a solid, if somewhat uninspired and simplistic, all-around RTS package with few faults. Ultimately, it's not an RTS game designed for a console (such as, say, Tom Clancy's EndWar), but rather a PC-style RTS that's been adapted and streamlined for the console."

GameCinemaHD: 3/4 (75%)

"This is an amazing experience, and it is a true shame that the prospects of a continuation are nil. Still, the shot has been fired, and now it is without question that real time strategies can be executed correctly on this generation of home consoles."

Blend Games: 3.5/5 (70%)

"Make no mistake, Halo Wars is a solid game. Ensemble has delivered a satisfying RTS title to consoles with only a few allowances for the controller. It would be nice to see something built with a new mindset for consoles, rather than trying to translate PC RTS controls over. For what it is Halo Wars satisfies both the action hungry Halo fan and the cerebral RTS fan to some degree. It just won’t wow either camp. "

TVG: 7/10 (70%)

"Halo Wars is a solid enough Real-Time Strategy experience from Ensemble, with a campaign that's just about challenging enough on the harder difficulties, and multiplayer features that has everything you'd would expect from any example of the genre.  Enhanced by a slick story that unveils the first operations against the Covenant, this is a game that fans of the Halo franchise should just lap up, though there isn't perhaps enough to keep the RTS hardcore amused for too long"

Games Radar: 7/10 (70%)

"The borrowed foundations will be immediately familiar to RTS fans. Depending on how you develop your army, you'll have access to flamethrower marines, modified Scorpion tanks that lob devastating cluster bombs, Elephant mobile fortresses, multiple grades of Warthog jeep and even a handful of Spartans"

Edge Magazine: 7/10 (70%)

"It’s a feeling that never quite dissipates over the game’s core 15 missions, a sense of lean and focused game design which prizes the exhilarating tussle of conflict over long, drawn-out army building."

gamesTM: 7/10 (70%)

"It’s fan service, definitely, but not ill-conceived or exploitative in any way."

Total Video Games: 7/10 (70%)

"Halo Wars is a solid enough Real-Time Strategy experience from Ensemble, with a campaign that's just about challenging enough on the harder difficulties, and multiplayer features that has everything you'd would expect from any example of the genre."

GameSpot: 6.5/10 (65%)

"Although Halo Wars can be rewarding and fun to play for a time, the short length of the single-player campaign and the lack of variety in the multiplayer ultimately leaves the game feeling unfinished and threadbare. It looks and sounds great, and it captures the essence of the series well, but there's not much else to keep you coming back once you've finished the short campaign and grown tired of playing multiplayer skirmishes between the two sides."

Current Metascore: 82 (based on 30 reviews)
Total average: 81% (based on 62 reviews)

【 在 lowy (礼义廉耻忍耐克己百折不屈) 的大作中提到: 】
: #  GameSpot Score       6.5     fair
: #  Critic Score         8.0     4 reviews
: Halo Wars is a fun strategy outing for fans of the universe, but it feels
: ...................

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※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 123.123.251.*]
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