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[业界] 大家喜闻乐见的分析师又来了!帕切特称WIIU晚推出了两年,它将会成为次世代主机中的DC

发表于 2012-3-14 15:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Is the Wii U about to "Dreamcast" themselves in the race for next-gen consoles?

In the latest episode of Pach-Attack, video game analyst Michael Pachter suggested that the Wii U is 2 or 3 years late when responding to a fan who asks if the Wii U's release might be premature and result in a flop.

"The reason that you’re saying that it’s premature, I think you’re really trying to suggest that it’s not going to sell well," he said.

Pachter, instead, suggests the Wii U is not premature and that the console's late release and mediocre power might be it's downfall.

"I don't think that this is a premature console," he said.  "I think that this is a really late term console.  I think this console should've been born 2 years ago or 3 years ago."

Pachter invites you all to do a quick search on the "Wii 2" and "Pachter" for his original opinion.

"I was calling for it in 2009 and that didn't happen.  So I was calling for it in 2010 and then that didn't happen.  So now we're looking at 2012 - wow.  2 or 3 years late, not premature.  Bad call there."

The fact that the Wii U is considered the start of the next generation of consoles and still has features just on par with current gen systems might result in lower sales - especially at its rumored high price point.

“I think that if in fact it’s a lot like an Xbox 360 in terms of graphics, frame rate and control scheme, then it’s probably not going to sell well unless it’s priced a lot cheaper, and I don’t think they’re launching the console at $150," Pachter explained.

“So, yeah I think they are about to Dreamcast themselves. I don’t think Wii U is going to be as popular as probably Nintendo thinks it’s going to be. Question is, what does Nintendo do next, and I don’t know the answer yet," he concluded. "Let’s see how Wii U sells, and I’m not going to predict this demise until I know pricing and features. When I know more about it, I’ll offer a better opinion.”

The Wii U's release date or pricing has not yet been announced by Nintendo, but company President, Satoru Iwata, did confirm that the new system will launch in major markets by the end of 2012.


在最新一期的Pach-Attack中,电子游戏分析师Michael Pachter当被一名玩家问及WIIU是不是出来的太早了以至于会失败的时候,他认为WiiU的上市时间事实上晚了2~3年。




帕切特欢迎所有人进行搜索“Wii 2”和“帕切特”,来看一下他的那些经典言论。

“我曾在2009年呼吁过这些事情(WII的下一代主机出世),但是这并没有发生。所以我又在2010年呼吁过这种事,但是还是没有发生。所以现在我们看到了它,但这已经是2012年 ——哇哦,这个家伙迟到了2~3年,这真是一个坏消息“


“我认为,如果这是一台图形表现能力、帧率和操作方法都像极了Xbox 360的机器,那么按照它现在的报价将不会卖的很好除非它的价格便宜很多,不过我不认为他们会把这台游戏机定价为150美元。“帕切特解释



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