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[业界] 嘿,这个想法是不是有点猎奇?云游戏公司负责人推测,X720可能是电视机

发表于 2012-2-7 12:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What's the difference between a console and a media device?  Apparently, it's the simplicity.  Back in the day, gaming consoles used to serve one sole purpose - to play games.  Today, that's no longer the case as consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 compete to bring radio, TV, and movie streaming to the homes of millions of families - all directly from their living room console.

Microsoft has blatantly said they intend to turn the Xbox, be it the 360 or upcoming Xbox 720/Loop/whatever we're calling it, into an all-around entertainment hub where people get get internet, TV, movies, radio, and video games all from their console.

The problem with this, according to David Perry, head of cloud gaming company Gaikai, is that the transformation from a console to a media center is making things too complex for the overall consumer.  As technology continues to evolve and other media hubs being to get games, Perry believes the "public will get confused".

"For me, the definition of a console is a gaming device for the mass market," Perry explained to CVG. "They plug in a cartridge, they flick a switch and a game appears on the screen."

Perry added: "In America, for $129, Best Buy will now come to your house and help you install your PlayStation 3. We have got away from that original idea of "It just works" into this thing of maintaining and running, creating accounts on it. I think they're going to stop calling them consoles and they'll start calling them something else - media something or entertainment something."

Of course, that is the problem, according to Perry.  Digital TVs are beginning to include all of the same media stuff - be it TV, movie streaming, or game streaming which is now possible thanks to companies like Gaikai who help bring hardcore games to households without the need for hardware to run it because of the cloud streaming.

With TVs now offering games, consoles are no longer the exclusive, so they must keep up with all of the TV functions.  They must now add all of these features like YouTube or Facebook or Crackle, etc.  According to Perry it's a mistake, but one that Sony and Microsoft are forced to make.

"The digital TVs are also including all of that media stuff. I think the mistake that the console companies are making is not a mistake of their choice - it's the evolution they have to go through."

"But if they enter the market as media hubs, there are tons already on sale - the TiVos, Boxees, Rokus and everything else - and all they're doing is entering their space, and the one thing they're bringing with them is games. The problem is, they are $500."

"Once the other media hubs can have games - and I don't mean Checkers, but things like Call of Duty - the public will get confused. With that in mind, who is able to make a TV? Sony is already making them, so it will have to take all that stuff into its TVs.

Perry's prediction is that Microsoft will make a TV.

"What choice do they have?" Perry asked. "There have been lots of reports that Apple has bought out a large LCD panel-making company. It's pretty obvious that they're on the trail too."

Maybe the Xbox 720 will be just another console - or as Microsoft likes to stress, an "entertainment hub".  Then again maybe it won't be.  We don't know.  One thing is clear - cloud gaming is growing and with the addition of TVs now capable of streaming video games, Microsoft's next machine might be better suited as a TV.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-7 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
游戏机和媒体设备之间的差异是什么?显然,这是一个很简单的问题。很早以前,游戏机为唯一目的就已经确定了——玩游戏。今天,当Xbox 360和PlayStation 3游戏机出现的时候,这种情况已经不存在了,竞争带来的广播,电视,电影——都直接来源于千家万户的客厅游戏机那里。

微软已经公开表示,他们打算把Xbox系列,无论是360或即将推出的Xbox 720/Loop或者其他的什么称呼,正在调用它成为一个全能的娱乐中心,使得人们能够从他们的控制台那里得到得到互联网,电视,电影,广播,视频游戏等等一切功能。



佩里补充说:“在美国,只需要129美元,百思买就会来到你现在所居住的房子,并帮助您安装您的PLAYSTATION 3设备。我们不得不抛弃过去一些传统的思想”这只是工作“,就像维护和运行,创建帐户之类的事情。我认为他们会停止称它们为游戏机,而叫一些别的称呼,例如什么媒体的东西或什么娱乐的东西“

当然,据佩里说,这就是问题所在。数字电视已开始包括所有同媒体的东西 - 无论是电视,电影或游戏。这也归功于像现在Gaikai这样的公司,他们将核心游戏带入到了家庭当中,又因为有云媒体的产生所以不需要依靠任何硬件设施。

由于电视也可以提供游戏,所以游戏机不再是独一无二的了,所以他们必须拥有与所有的数字电视所具有的一切功能。现在,他们必须添加所有的应用就像YouTube 或 Facebook 或Crackle等。佩里认为这是一个错误,但是,索尼和微软却不得不这么做。


“但是,如果他们作为媒体中心进入市场,已经有很多已经进入市场的同类产品 - 像是TiVo,Boxees,Rokus等等。它们都拥有自己的空间,而且它们都能带来一件事情——游戏。问题是,它们需要500美元。”

“一旦其他的媒体中心拥有游戏游戏 ——我不意味着跳棋,而是像使命 召唤之类的东西 -——我想人们不得不考虑一下了。考虑到这一点,现在谁可以做电视?索尼。它已经在做这个了,所以它会将一切东西都加入到电视当中。


“他们有什么选择呢?” 佩里说道,“据报道苹果已经买下了一个大的液晶面板制造公司,很明显它们将会做什么事情。”

也许在Xbox 720将只是另一个普普通通的游戏机——有可能微软喜欢压力,做一台“娱乐中心”。然后再也许不会有。我们并不知道这些事情。有一点是明确的 - 云游戏越来越多,电视现在能够玩到更多流行的游​​戏,微软的下一代游戏机可能更适合作为电视。
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