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[业界] 索尼公司的2011年度财报出炉,连续四财年亏损,2012年靠vita

发表于 2012-2-3 14:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Results for Sony's October-December 2011 business have arrived. Sony had announced at its half year financial briefing that the company had lost 42.5b Yen ($558m) from April to September 2011 on revenues of 3.06T Yen ($40.2b) . Through December 2011, Sony announced that nine-month revenues came to 4.89T Yen ($64.25b) with a loss of 201.5b Yen ($2.65b). Quarterly losses were 159b Yen ($2.038b), on revenue of 1.82T Yen ($23.370b) - revenue was down 17% year over year. Sony's most recent expectation for the year to March 2012 was for 6.5T Yen ($85.4b) in revenue with a 90b Yen ($1.18b) loss. With the December data now available Sony now expects to generate 6.4T Yen ($84.1b) in revenue with a loss of 220b Yen ($2.88b loss) for the year.

During the December quarter, Sony shipped 6.5m PS3s, 0.5m Vitas (reported previously), 2.4m PSPs, and 0.9m PS2s. From January to December 2011, Sony shipped 14.1m PS3s, 7.6m PSPs, 4.7m PS2s, and 0.5m Vitas. Lifetime to date shipments through December 2011 stand at 0.5m for Vita, 62m for PS3, 75.4m for PSP, and 154.4m for PS2.

Sony previously projected to ship 15m PS3s, 6m PSPs, and 4m PS2s. The company now expects only 14m PS3s. No change was announced for the other forecasts, although PSP will probably come in around 7m for the fiscal year.

Software shipments for Sony's platforms were also revealed for the quarter. PS3 software shipments were 66.2m in the December quarter, easily the biggest Sony platform at the moment. In the same quarter, PSP software shipments were 11.4m, while PS2 software shipments were 2.5m. No Vita software shipment figures were given.

Lifetime to date software shipments now stand at 568m for PS3, 323.7m for PSP, 1536m for PS2. During January to December 2011, PS3 software shipments were 159.6m, PSP software shipments were 36m, PS2 software shipments were 8.9m. Sony had projected software shipments to reach "about the same" volume as the 210m games shipped in the March 2011 year for the March 2012 year. The forecast was not changed.

Looking at the PS3, PSP, and PS2 data from 2010-2011, it is pretty clear why Vita arrived - the company is facing considerable pressure to keep PS3 hardware and software rates strong as PSP and PS2 rapidly decline. The PS3 will see a software decline soon too, going by its purchasing rate fall off per average user. This is also the second year in a row Sony will miss its 15m PS3 projection, coming in at ~14m both years despite Move and a price cut. The all time 12-month high for PS3 remains 14.6m in the year to September 2010 after the price cut to $300, the Slim, and at the start of the Move launch.

Below, SW is total software shipped in the calendar year, HW is total hardware shipped in the calendar year, and Purchase is the average number of games purchased per user (calendar year SW shipments / total hardware at year end).

SW  /  HW  / Purchase                     2011                                                           2010

PS3                                     159.6m / 14.1m /  2.57                                 147m / 14.4m / 3.07

PSP                                    36.0m / 7.6m   / 0.48                                      44.8m / 7.7m / 0.66

PS2                                     8.9m  / 4.7m  /  0.06                                       18.9m / 6.9m / 0.13

Vita                                   (???)  / 0.5m /  ???                                      ---------------------------

Total                              204.5m+ / 26.9m? / ~0.70                              210.7m / 29.0m / 0.79

Vita is really the key here going forward in the next 18 months. PS3 purchasing rates should be at about 1.8 - 2.2 games per user in 2012. That should be the last strong year for PS3 now that Sony has exhausted most of its hardware lifting mechanisms (PS3 increased by 3% in the 2011 holiday quarter, despite a 17% price cut in August, with further cuts by retail throughout the holidays - $200 with a game at US retail, and despite plenty of major games). We also know a major price cut isn't coming to revive PS3 either when Sony is going to post a $2b+ loss, its fourth straight annual loss in four years.

If Vita does not take off as a software market in 2012 - and 3DS only was about a 40m market in 2011 with huge hardware sales, Sony could be looking at a 2012 where PS3 is a 150m market, PSP is a 20-25m market, PS2 is a 5m market, and Vita is anything from a 15-30m market or possibly worse - Sony isn't even giving Vita software figures (although that is partly due to the digital nature of the platform).

The total software figures won't be bad for 2012, compared to where Sony has been in its PS3 era, but when the PS3 purchasing rate falls to 1.2 - 1.7 games per user in 2013, Sony could be looking at a bad situation based on the Vita trajectory: PS3 (110-125m), Vita (30-40m), PSP (15m), PS2 (2m) - and those are bad figures. If that is the case, PS4 will need to arrive to offset the three declining platforms - and that's why PS4 should be expected within 18 months or so, even though it won't reverse the coming decline immediately. This is particularly true if X720 / Wii U are established by late 2013 already - new platforms typically cause purchasing rates on older platforms to deflate rather quickly - the biggest single year drop for PS1 was when PS2 released, the biggest drop for PS2 was when Wii / PS3 released.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-3 14:32 | 显示全部楼层

索尼公司2011年10月~12月业绩已经统计完毕。索尼在其半年度的财务简报宣布,该公司已经失去了42.5B日元(美元558M)从2011年的四月到九月,而收入是3.06T日元(美元 40.2B)。而在2011年12月,索尼公司宣布,9个月的收入为4.89T日元(美元64.25B),共损失201.5B日元(美元2.65B)。季度亏损159B日元(美元2.038B),收入1.82T日元(美元23.370B)——收入同比去年下降17% 。索尼公司最新的期望是一年的时间到2012年3月,可以收入6.5T日元($美元85.4B),同时损失90B日元(1.18B美元),现在随着12月的数据的出现,索尼现在预计将产生6.4T日元( 84.1B美元) 收入与220B日元(2.88B美元)的年度亏损。

在去年第四季度,索尼共售出650万台PS3, 50万台Vita(早先的数据), 240万台PSP, 以及90万台PS2。从2011年1月至12月,索尼出货1410万台PS3,760万台PSP,470万台PS2和50万台Vita。截止到2011年12月,索尼历史出货50万台vita,6200万PS3,7540万台PSP和1.544亿台PS2。





下面,SW是在历年的软件总销量,HW是硬件的历年销量, Purchase是平均每个用户购买的游戏的数量(历年SW出货量/年末总硬件)。

                                                SW  /  HW  / Purchase                              SW  /  HW  / Purchase   

                                                       2011                                                           2010

PS3                                     159.6m / 14.1m /  2.57                                 147m / 14.4m / 3.07

PSP                                    36.0m / 7.6m   / 0.48                                      44.8m / 7.7m / 0.66

PS2                                     8.9m  / 4.7m  /  0.06                                       18.9m / 6.9m / 0.13

Vita                                   (???)  / 0.5m /  ???                                      ---------------------------

Total                              204.5m+ / 26.9m? / ~0.70                              210.7m / 29.0m / 0.79

VITA将是在在未来18个月内的关键,真的。PS3的用户游戏购买率在2012年应该约为1.8 - 2.2%。对于PS3而言,这应该是最后的辉煌的一年了,现在,索尼已经用尽了大部分使硬件增长的办法(PS3在2011年的假期季度增加了3%,​​不过这建立在八月削减了17%的价格与整个圣诞假期零售价的进一步削减——只有 200美元,并且在美国还可以赠送一个游戏,大部分还都是主要游戏)。我们也知道,一个降价是无法重振PS3的,索尼为此付出了20多亿美元的损失,这也是连续第四个年度亏损。

如果vita无法在在2012年的软件市场有所表现——在2011年市场3DS拥有一个巨大的硬件销售但只有4000万的软件销量,索尼的2012年软件销量有可能是PS3有1.50亿,PSP是2000 - 2500万的市场, PS2是500万销量,VITA则有可能是1500 - 3000万的软件销量或可能更糟 - 索尼甚至没有给vita软件的具体数字(虽然部分是由于该平台的数字性质)。

与历年的PS3软件销售相比,2012年也许不会太糟糕。但是如果在2012年PS3的用户游戏购买率下降到1.2 - 1.7%,在基于VITA的轨迹,索尼将会看到一个极其恶劣的情况:PS3(1.10 - 1.25亿),VITA(3000 - 4000万),PSP(1500万),PS2(200万) - 还有那些不好的数字。如果是这样的话,PS4的确需要出现以抵消三个平台的下降 - 这就是为什么PS4应在18个月左右的预期出现,即使它不会立即扭转未来的下降。这尤其是当X720 / WiiU是2013年底已经出现 - 当新的平台出现时,通常会导致旧平台上的购买率相当迅速降低——最大PS1销量下降是在PS2的发布时,最大的PS2销量下降是在WII / PS3的发布时。
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