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[业界] 任天堂今日遭美国专利诉讼案

发表于 2011-9-9 14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As the old saying goes “When it rains, it pours” – and this year has been a torrential downpour for Nintendo. With lost profits from the 3DS and poor implementation of a second circle pad, the Big N just can’t catch a break.

The latest addition to Nintendo’s problems is a lawsuit claiming the Wii console is infringing on patents filed by ThinkOptical, makers of the Wavit Remote.

This lawsuit which was filed in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Texas, claims that the whole Wii system infringes on at least three patents, the main one being Patent 7,796,116 “Electronic Equipment for Handheld Vision Based Absolute Pointing System.” ThinkOptical is looking for compensation for lost profits, attorney fees and royalties. This company just doesn’t have their sights set on Nintendo they also include retailers such as WalMart, Gamestop and Radio Shack and others in the suit.

There are definitely some interesting aspects to the case. ThinkOptical claims that Nintendo knew before launching the Wii console that the system infringed on their patents. ThinkOptical based this on Nintendo’s own rejected patent applications:

This fact, combined with the timeframe (the Wii launched over five years ago) makes you wonder why it took so long to file a lawsuit. Perhaps they were waiting to capitalize on the the success of the Wii? If this is the case then ThinkOptical has some poor timing, cause Nintendo is already hurting.

ThinkOptical is also looking down the road at the Wii U when it launches. No, they’re not waiting to play the latest version of Zelda, but claim that Nintendo’s upcoming console also infringes on some of their patents — technology that may not work and delay the Wii U launch. Talk about kicking them when they’re down.

As a Nintendo fan from way back, it’s hard to see the company in this situation. Though if it’s true that Nintendo knew they were stealing ideas from another company, then they have no one else to blame but themselves.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-9 14:55 | 显示全部楼层
Nintendo Sued Over Wii Technology

  现在任天堂最新的麻烦又降临了,Wavit Remote生产商ThinkOptical对任天堂的侵犯专利的行为告上了法庭,受理申诉的是美国得克萨斯州东部地方法院,控告任天堂wii主机侵犯ThinkOptical至少三项专利,最主要的是一项专利号为7,796,116的,手持设备定位系统。ThinkOptical要求任天堂支付专利使用费、专利侵害损失费和诉讼费。
发表于 2011-9-9 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
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