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[业界] 任天堂的WiiU被视为低龄版的iPad----德国游戏商CEO表示不看好

发表于 2011-8-24 12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Wii U "Looks Like a Fisher Price iPad"
德国游戏商Fishlabs的首席执行官Michael Schade 表示“WiiU看起来就像一款面向低龄儿童的iPad”
原文是Wii U "Looks Like a Fisher Price iPad"  
Fisher Price是美国一家专门生产塑料低龄儿童玩具的厂家-------编者注

任天堂的主机Wii在PS3和XBOX360新作不断的夹击下,似乎已经从玩家视线消失了,而3DS也只能靠降价来保持吸引力,目前任天堂正处于一个困境中。任天堂寄予了巨大希望的的是2012年发售的Wii U主机,一款比Wii性能更强大的新主机,而且在手柄上配备了独特的屏幕显示。然而德国游戏商Fishlabs的首席执行官Michael Schade对此并不看好,他把WiiU比作是一款低龄版的iPad!


With the Wii continuing to fade from the charts, and the 3DS being forced to have its price slashed to remain appealing, it has been a tough year for Nintendo. But the Big N hopes to make a glorious comeback in 2012 with the Wii U, a new, more powerful console that's main gimmick unique feature is a controller with a screen on it. However, Fishlabs CEO Michael Schade doesn't have high hopes for the console, likening the controller to something made by a children's toy company

I don’t believe so much in these traditional, gaming focused hardware devices, that now embrace digital downloads. The install base isn’t big enough. It’s a different story with both the Xbox and the PS3 because it’s closer to PC, and with Microsoft they also have a solution to mobile. Nintendo… if you read about what Iwata said about iPhone, how he didn’t take it seriously, and now they come out with a Wii U that looks like a Fisher Price iPad. I mean, they had a great success introducing the Wii, and you should respect that, but right now everything tells me that Nintendo are not in a good way.
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