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[业界] 索尼总裁斯金格就迈克尔·杰克逊逝世表示深切哀悼

发表于 2009-6-27 19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sony Comments on the Passing of Michael Jackson

NEW YORK, NY – June 25, 2009 – Michael Jackson, one of the most widely beloved entertainers and profoundly influential artists of all-time, leaves an indelible imprint on popular music and culture.

Commenting on his passing, Sir Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President, Sony Corporation, said: “Michael Jackson was a brilliant troubadour for his generation, a genius whose music reflected the passion and creativity of an era. His artistry and magnetism changed the music landscape forever. We have been profoundly affected by his originality, creativity and amazing body of work. The entire Sony family extends our deepest condolences to his family and to the millions of fans around the world who loved him.”

Rolf Schmidt-Holtz, CEO, Sony Music Entertainment, said: “Michael Jackson's unsurpassed artistry and beloved music brought joy to every corner of the world. We join today with his millions of fans in expressing our profound sadness and we offer our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. It was a true privilege for all of us in the Sony Music family to work with one of the most talented superstars in the history of music. We will miss him greatly.”

Martin Bandier, Chairman & CEO of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, said: “Michael was the kind of amazing talent that comes along once in a lifetime. He was an incredible recording artist, an insightful businessman, an unmatched performer, and a true icon. To all of us at Sony/ATV Music Publishing, he was also a trusted and passionate partner, who was very proud of our accomplishments. He will be dearly missed. We wish his children and entire family our deepest condolences.”

Five of Jackson’s solo albums – “Off the Wall,” “Thriller,” “Bad,” “Dangerous” and “HIStory,” all with Epic Records, a Sony Music label – are among the top-sellers of all time. During his extraordinary career, he sold an estimated 750 million records worldwide, released 13 No.1 singles and became one of a handful of artists to be inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Guinness Book of World Records recognized Jackson as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time and “Thriller” as the Biggest Selling Album of All Time. Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Award’s Artist of the Century Award.

Michael Jackson started in the music business at the age of 11 with his brothers as a member of the Jackson 5. In the early 1980s, he defined the art form of music video with such ground-breaking videos as “Billie Jean,” “Beat It” and the epic “Thriller.” Jackson’s sound, style and dance moves inspired subsequent generations of pop, soul, R&B and hip-hop artists.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-27 19:24 | 显示全部楼层

纽约2009年6月25日发布- Michael Jackson 迈克尔.杰克逊,一个最受到大家敬爱的具有深刻影响力的专业艺术家过世了,他身后留下了不可磨灭的流行音乐和文化的印记。

在为他的过世作评论的时候,索尼公司的董事会主席、总裁及首席执行官Howard Stringer爵士说道:「迈克尔.杰克逊是他这一辉煌时代中的伟大艺人,他具有天才的音乐魅力反映了这个充满激情和创造力的年代。他的艺术和美丽永远的改变了音乐本身。我们已经深深地被他的原创性、创造力和惊人的身体力行所影响。整个索尼家族在此,向其家属以及数以百万的世界各地的歌迷献上我们最深切的哀悼。」

5个杰克逊的独唱专辑──《墙外Off the Wall》、《颤栗Thriller》、《Bad》、《Dangerous》和《HIStory》,所有从索尼音乐旗下Epic唱片发行的专辑,一直都是最畅销的。在他非凡的职业生涯中,创下了世界销量7.5亿张的记录!并夺得13次单曲第一名的好成绩,并成为极少数能够两次进入摇滚音乐名人堂的艺人。吉尼斯世界记录确认杰克逊为有史以来最成功的艺人,并同时记录下他的专辑《颤栗Thriller》是最畅销的专辑。杰克逊获得13个格莱美奖,并获得了美国音乐奖的艺术家世纪奖。

索尼音乐首席执行官Rolf Schmidt-Holtz说:「迈克尔.杰克逊卓越的艺术才能和充满爱心的音乐给这个世界每个角落上人都送去了欢乐。今天,我们和上百万的歌迷聚集在一起,向他献上我们最深切的悲伤,并向其家人表达我们最深切的哀悼。对索尼音乐家庭所有人来讲,能够与这样一个最有才华的超级巨星创造音乐上的历史,这是我们真正的荣耀。我们会非常想念他!」

索尼/ATV音乐出版公司主席及首席执行官Martin Bandier说:「迈克尔具有惊人的天赋,他是一个令人难以置信的艺术家,一个有见地的商人,一个无与伦比的表演者和一个真正的里程碑。我们大家在索尼/ATV音乐出版公司,他也是一个值得信赖的,充满激情的伙伴。我们将十分怀念他。我们向他的子女和整个家庭表示最深切的慰问。」

迈克尔.杰克逊11岁时与他的兄弟组成Jackson 5乐团开始在音乐舞台崭露头角。在1980年初,他发布了具有开创性的艺术形式的音乐录影带“Billie Jean”、“Beat It”和“Thriller”。杰克逊的声音、风格和舞蹈动作启发了后代流行音乐、灵魂乐、R&B和hip-hop的艺术家们。
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