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[业界] PS4将会更像一台电脑?或者是内置集成显卡?

发表于 2012-3-2 13:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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11 小时前

Tucked away behind a registration wall, Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter has heard from what he claims to be a reputable source that the upcoming Sony console—the PlayStation 4—is "essentially a PC" in terms of its technological make-up.

He writes that Sony and AMD are collaborating on the console's CPU, moving away from the PS3's Cell architecture to an x86 processor for the new console. He cites the Vita's architecture as a fundamental shift in the company's manufacturing of consoles.

"It's not about exotic, groundbreaking hardware anymore, it's all about creating the best possible games machine with an enviable set of development tools - and it's an approach that has already yielded results," he wrote. "While PlayStation Vita may lack a stand-out killer app, I still think that it's set the bar in terms of overall quality and quantity over and above any console launch I've seen in over 21 years in the business. Extrapolating that same philosophy towards PlayStation 4 makes a PC-style approach to Sony's next console seem very likely indeed."

For the doubters, it means the PlayStation 4 is pulling out all the stops with AMD and ATI integrated graphics. That architecture gives them a lot of mileage and room for more memory and better bandwidth, as there's no bottleneck between the CPU and the graphics processor.

More information about Sony's new console is expected to be revealed at the upcoming E3 2012 in June.

来自Digital Foundry的Richard Leadbetter声称自己是一个可信的的来源,即将到来的索尼的PlayStation 4“基本上是一台电脑”,并将在技术方面大幅提升。


“突破性的硬件并不是一件很稀有的事情,这一切都是为了创造一台最好的游戏机并且提供一个令所有人都羡慕的开发平台 - 这已经取得了初步的阶段性成果,”他写道,“虽然PSvita可能缺乏一个独占的杀手级游戏,我仍然认为它是我在21年的商业过程中所见过的最保质保量并且要领先于其他平台的游戏机。同样的理念对于索尼的下一代主机PS4会更接近于PC的样式似乎很有可能。“

也有抱怀疑态度的人,他们认为这意味着在PlayStation 4正在与AMD和ATI协同制作集成显卡。该种结构将会给他们带来了更多的内存和更高的带宽频率,因为这样的话会没有没有CPU和图形处理器之间的隔阂。

预计将在 2012年6月举行的E3上将透露更多关于索尼的新游戏机的详细信息。
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