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[业界] 全球软件销量分析:三大叔喜破1600万大关,软件销量360一点红

发表于 2012-2-19 15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Sales have dropped slightly from last week, but are down a good amount year on year. Four games debuted in the top 40 this week. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC is this week’s top debut with combined sales of 569,000.

There are no software milestones this week in the top 40.  

Hardware sales are relatively flat for the DS, 3DS, PSP and Xbox 360, while the PlayStation 3 and Wii are down slightly. The 3DS is the top selling platform as it passed the 16 million mark. There are no other hardware milestones.

Worldwide Hardware

Week on week sales are more or less flat. The 3DS is at the top with sales of 211,000, a decrease of 1,000 (0%).  The PlayStation 3 is down 6,000 (-3%) to 173,000 units sold. Xbox 360 are down just 2,000 (-1%) to 153,000 units sold. The Wii sold 83,000 units, which is down 4,000 (-5%). The DS is flat at 55,000 units. The PSP sold 53,000 units, which is up just 1,000 (2%). The Vita sold 17,000, which is down 3,000 (-15%). Total week on week sales are down 15,000 (-2%) to 745,000.

Year on year sales are down across the board. The PlayStation 3 is down 52,000 (-23%), the Wii is down 95,000 (-53%), and the Xbox 360 is down 51,000 (-25%). The PSP is down 158,000 (-75%) and the DS is down 146,000 (-73%). However with the DS and 3DS combined it is up 65,000 compared to the DS one year ago. Total year on year sales are down 274,000 (-2%).

Home console hardware sales have remained relatively stable the last four weeks. The PlayStation 3 has a 42 percent market share; the Xbox 360 has a 38 percent market share; and the Wii has a 20 percent market share. The PlayStation 3 is in first for a seventh straight week, while the Xbox 360 led for the weeks prior. Compared with ten weeks ago all three home consoles are down.

The 3DS outsold the DS by nearly 4 to 1 and the PSP by 4 to 1. The DS has a 51 percent market share this week for the current generation handhelds and the PSP has a 49 percent. The Vita has just a seven percent market share for the next generation of handhelds, while the 3DS holds the other 93 percent. Compared with ten weeks ago all three platforms (excluding the Vita) are down.

Worldwide Software

Three games debuted in the top 40 this week. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (X360) debuted at the top with sales of 299,000. The PlayStation 3 version debuted at number two with sales of 194,000. The PC version debuted at number 10 with sales of 77,000. The game launched in North America and Europe, with no release date in Japan.

The Darkness II (X360) debuted at number five with sales of 115,000. The PlayStation 3 version debuted at number 12 with sales of 73,000. The game launched in North America and Europe and will debut in Japan on February 22.

Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki (PSP) debuted at number 14 with sales of 64,000. The game launched in Japan, with no plans to be released elsewhere.

Gravity Daze (PSV) debuted at number 28 with sales of 38,000. The game launched in Japan and will release in North America on May 28.

Other games in the top 10 that are not debuts include Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3) at number three with sales of 155,000. Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) is at number four with sales of 132,000.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3) is at number six with sales of 108,000. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (X360) is at number seven with sales of 87,000. Mario Kart 7 (3DS) is at number eight sales of 85,000. Just Dance 3 (Wii) at number nine with sales of 83,000.

Week on week software totals are up for the PSP, 3DS and PlayStation Vita, and are down for the PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, and DS. The PlayStation 3 takes the top spot this week with 2.08 million games sold, a decrease of 517,000 (-20%). The Xbox 360 sold 2.01 million games, a decrease of 98,000 (-5%). Wii software sales are down 161,000 (-11%) to 1.34 million. The DS sold 593,000 games, which is down 41,000 (-6%). The 3DS sold 524,000 games, a decrease of 45,000 (9%). PSP game sales are up 25,000 (8%) to 329,000 games sold. The Vita sold 67,000 games, an increase of 11,000 (20%). Total combined software is down 736,000 (-10%) week on week to 6.93 million.

Year on year software totals are up for the Xbox 360 and are down for everything else. The PlayStation 3 is down 49,000 (-2%), the Wii is down 929,000 (-41%) and the Xbox 360 is up 179,000 (10%). The DS is down 738,000 (-55%) and the PSP is down 489,000 (-60%). Total combined software is down 1.44 million (-17%) games sold year on year.

The PlayStation 3 takes the top spot in software sales for a third week in a row. The Xbox 360 has lead for four of the last 10 weeks and the Wii for three weeks. The PlayStation 3 has a 38 percent market share, the Xbox 360 with 37 percent, and the Wii with 25 percent. Compared to ten weeks all three home consoles are down.

All four handhelds remain in the same positions for total software. The DS is in first, 3DS in second, PSP in third and the Vita in last. The DS has a 64 percent market share for the current generation handhelds and the PSP has a 36 percent market share. The 3DS has a 89 percent market share for the next generation handhelds, while the Vita has just a 11 percent market share. Compared with ten weeks ago all three platforms (excluding the Vita) are down.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-19 15:12 | 显示全部楼层

销量比上周略有下降,但相比于去年则是一片大跌。四个游戏首次​​亮相于前40名。阿玛拉王国:惩罚的Xbox 360,PlayStation 3和PC是本周总计销量569,000登场。


硬件销售方面,DS,3DS,PSP和Xbox 360的的销售相对平稳,而PlayStation 3和Wii都略有下降。3DS依然是最畅销的平台,而且它已经卖出了1600万台。没有其他硬件的销售里程碑。


周销量相比上一周都或多或少的变化,总体基本持平。3DS本周售出了21.1万,减少了1000台(0%)。PlayStation 3的下降了6,000台(-3%),总售出17.3万台。Xbox 360只下跌了2,000台(-1%),最终是15.3万台。Wii的销量是8.3万台,比上周减少了4,000台(-5%)。DS完全没有变化,依然售出5.5万台。而PSP售出5.3万台,微涨1000台(2%)。vita售出1.7万台,下跌了3,000台(-15%)。周销量则下降了15,000台(-2%)达到了74.5万台。

今年销量与去年相比大幅下降。PlayStation 3下降了52,000台(-23%),Wii下降了95000台(-53%),Xbox 360则下降了51,000台(-25%)。PSP下降158000台(-75%),DS下降了146000台(-73%)。不过如果把DS和3DS销量结合起来,它和一年前相比则多了65,000台。全年销量同比下降了274000台(-27%)。

家用游戏机硬件销售在最后的四个星期一直保持相对稳定。PlayStation 3占有42%的市场份额;,而Xbox 360则拥有38%的市场份额,Wii有20%的市场份额。PlayStation 3连续第七周成为第一,而Xbox 360也同样连续七周第二。与10周前相比,所有三个主机的销量都有所下滑。




阿玛拉王国:惩罚(X360)售出299,000张夺得第一名。PlayStation 3的版售出194,000张位居第二。PC版推出77000张成为第十。这是在北美和欧洲推出的游戏,没有在日本的发行日期。

黑暗II(X360)售出115,000 张位居第五。PlayStation 3版本售出73,000张成为第12位。游戏在北美和欧洲推出,并将于2月22日在日本亮相。




使命 召唤:现代 战争3的PS3版本和360版本则占据了六七位,分别卖出了108000张和83000张。马里奥赛车7(3DS)则占据第八位,共卖出85,000张。舞力全开3 占据第九位卖出了83,000张(Wii)。

相比于上一周软件总量,本周PSP,3DS和PSvita的软件销量有所上涨,而PS3,Wii,Xbox 360以及DS的软件销量下降。PlayStation 3继续保持软件销量的头把交椅,这一周共售出游戏208万,减少了51.7万(-20%)。Xbox 360则售出201万,减少了9.8万(-5%)。Wii的软件销量下降了16.1万(-11%)至134万。DS卖出了59.3万份游戏,下降了41000(-6%)。3DS卖出了52.4万份游戏,增加了45000(9%)。PSP游戏的销量是32.9万,增加了25,000(8%)。vita售出67000份游戏,增加了11,000(20%)。总软件销量比上周下降了73.6万(-10%)达到了693万。

相比于上一年的软件销量,除了360之外,其余的全部软件销量都下降了。PlayStation 3是下降了49,000(-2%),Wii的下降了929000(-41%)而Xbox 360则上涨了179000(10%)。DS下降了738000(-55%),PSP下降了489,000(-60%)。总软件销量比去年下降了144万(-17%)。

PlayStation 3连续第三周位居家用机软件销量的头把交椅。Xbox 360在过去10周占据了四个第一,而Wii则领先了三周。PlayStation 3的有38%的市场份额,Xbox 360则占有37%,剩余的25%属于Wii。与十个星期相比,所有三个家用机的软件销量都有所下跌。


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